

Celebrate Summer!

Our last walk was on Sunday 22nd June, from Hertford to Enfield. There is a slide-show of this beautiful day in 'Walks'.

Dates for the remaining 2 walks for this year are:-

Sunday 7th September - Myddelton House Gardens & Whitewebbs Loop - led by Peter Baker

Sunday 19th October - Enfield to New River Head - led by John Polley

The route around Myddelton House will include numerous historic 'loops' and structures which were parts of the 'Old Course'.

 Put these dates in your diaries now. Further details will be sent to our email list nearer the time (please join if not already a member - see below). Please let walk organiser John Polley know if you will be joining us - 07814 546772.

Join our 'low traffic' email list, so that you will receive updates promptly and automatically. Send a short email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .