

Membership Form

Dear Friend

Please print this membership form, or send us the same information with your subscription.

Completing the Banker's Order form will greatly simplify renewals for both you and the group.

The annual subscription is still just £3 (individuals) or £10 (organisations).

Members receive our newsletter (around 24 properly printed and bound pages) and invitations to events.

Organisations receive up to 3 copies of the newsletter which can be sent by us to different people e.g. chair, secretary, newsletter editor etc.

We welcome and rely on members' help with practical and campaign work.


  • complete the form for subscription or Banker's Order;
  • if paying by cheque, make payable to the New River Action Group;
  • let us know of any change of address or any change of organisation details;
  • return form to Chris Royall, Membership Secretary, 27 Elm Park Road, London, N21 2HP (tel: 020 8292 5987, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

Thank you very much.









I enclose a cheque for £ .......... to cover subscription,

plus an additional donation of £ ..........

Name (for organisations, please continue on separate sheets if necessary with contact names and other details):


 Address .........................................................................................................................................



Telephone nos ...............................................................................................

E-mail ...........................................................................................................................................

Membership rates per annum: Individual £3. Life membership £100. Organisation £10. 

Please note the annual subscriptions simply meet our costs, and the group relies on donations to carry out its work.




It very much simplifies our handling of subscriptions if members set up a Banker's Order.

To:(Name of your bank) ................................................................................

(Bank address) ................................................................................ 



(Sort_Code) .................................. Your account no.........................................................

Please pay to:
Schroder & Co. Limited, 31 Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7QA.
Sort_Code: 40-52-78
Account: New River Action Group, No. 88564470

The sum of £............. each year, starting on (date) ....................................... until further notice.

Signature ....................................................................... Date .......................................

Name ............................................................................................................................................

Organisation (if an organisation membership)


Address .........................................................................................................................................

